White hair treatment?Premature whitening of hair? White Hair problem Solution? Laxmanmedia

Premature whitening of hair

Take two spoons of amla powder on a spoon as the last item at bedtime with the addition of water. The time the magic of the hair becomes white and the face of the face is destroyed. (Also makes heaven sweet and pure and the customer also cures it by hugging.)
Take amla powder on a spoon as the last item at bedtime with the help of two gulp of water. At the same time, the effect of magic happens when the hair is white and the face is destroyed. (Also makes heaven sweet and pure and the customer also gets cured by hugging it.)

Take amla powder on a spoon as the last item at bedtime with the help of two gulp of water. At the same time, the effect of magic happens when the hair is white and the face is destroyed. (Also makes heaven sweet and pure and the customer also cures it by hugging.)


 Auxiliary treatment: -

(a) Coating of Amla powder: -

 Make a paste of dried Indian gooseberry powder with water, apply it on the scalp and wash the cases with water after five -10 minutes, the hair stops turning white and falling. . Try this experiment twice a week for 3 months as per requirement before bathing.
Take amla powder on a spoon as the last item at bedtime with the help of two gulp of water. At the same time, the effect of magic happens when the hair is white and the face is destroyed. (Also makes heaven sweet and pure and the customer also cures it by hugging.)

(B) Amla - 

 Best to wash the head with water: - Soak 25 grams of dried amla thickly and soak it in 250 grams water overnight. Mash the puffed gooseberry with a stiff hand and sieve all the water with a thin clean cloth. Gently massage the extracted water into the roots of the cases and after 10:20 minutes wash the cases with plain water. Dry hair should be washed once a week and smooth hair twice a week. If needed, a few days can also be washed daily. Massage Indian gooseberry in the night 1 hour before the wash or one day before the day of washing.

Method of making Amla oil : -

 Extract 500 grams of juice by crushing green ginger or grating and squeezing it in a clean cloth. Put 500 grams of Indian gooseberry juice in an iron cauldron or wrist blade utensil and add 500 grams of cleaned black sesame oil to it. Mix and heat the pot by placing it on a low flame. While cooking, when the aqueous part of the amla juice evaporates and the oil remains, cool the pot down by heating it. When cooled, filter this oil with the help of a flannel cloth or filter bag. After that, after filling this oil in a bottle, use it daily and gently massage this oil with the tips of the fingers in the hair roots, the hair is long and it is very good for black and white hair soon. will see.
You can consult a doctor.

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